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Journal PLAY

You ain't never journaled like this before.

Discover the easy (and playful) way to leverage the power of the pen on the page.

Year after year I hear from clients how these radically simple ways to play in a journal have changed not only the way they think about journaling, but have changed their lives for the better.

Expect to be surprised and delighted. 

Enjoy a fun and insightful self paced journey. You won’t just learn new ways to journal, you’ll actually do it. Yes – you’ll get to discover what works for YOU!

Lean into some devoted time and space – just for you – to play with these new ways. 

Clarity - Insight - Freedom
Flowing onto the page

If you want to lead a creative and unconventional life - the way you put pen to paper needs to be creative and unconventional too.

Whatever challenge you’re facing,

Whatever is feeling stuck or stagnant,

Whatever fog of uncertainty you’re wading thru,

Whatever is feeling too hard…

Whether it’s in your business,  your relationships or your personal growth…

Know that you’re going to uncover some powerful clarity and a simple path forward. 


PLUS you’ll leave with some new simple power-tools in  your quiver to use for a lifetime!

It doesn’t have to be so hard…

Stop the churning in your head and let the wisdom pop out of your pen! 

Life isn’t black and white so your planning, processing and capturing life on paper shouldn’t be either. 


Join us if...

This is how we'll roll...

Registration closes May 18th. 

Our first call is May 20th and we wrap up on JUNE 13th.



Powerful questions and prompts that will unlock wisdom

Opportunities to experiment and discover – free from perfectionism

Ways to journal you’ve never imagined – these techniques surprise and delight

A playful supportive community

Freedom from ever having to confront the blank page

Structure and support to replace any need for ‘self-discipline’

Powerful space to tap your irreplaceable wisdom

A breath of fresh air into your journaling and your month!

Here’s a glimpse into a few ways I play differently with my life and business planning – Journal PLAY style!

Journal PLAY is where science meets soul to create sacred space for you to claim your clarity and find solace and ease in your wisdom.

Life is full. It’s hard to carve out the time to begin something new. And I assure you, the busiest leaders who carve out time to put pen to page will join me in encouraging you to give it a go because it’s something that gives back in SPADES! Saves you time, and helps you to integrate and process the tough stuff, while also bringing you powerful clarity and ease to move forward with the most important stuff in your life.


Cost: $333 USD 


Nicole and I share a passion for the natural word, for listening for the truest truths, and for playing with paint. We also love to make it all EASY! Whether you identify as creative or not – these lessons are for everyone.

Nicole Warrington will be joining us for Journal PLAY, and at the end will offer a bonus water colour journal workshop to compliment our journey. I’m so excited to collaborate with this brilliant soul and to bring even more magic to this Journal PLAY experience.

"“Who would have thought that simple invitation would change everything for me about journaling. SO wild!”

“I always loved the idea of journaling, but I’ve really struggled to make it a regular practice. Somehow Tanis was able to take that perfection away from journaling that allowed me to gain the clarity and information I could use to make choices or just to process something.”

"Tanis will help you find your own way in this free, liberating, fun, playful, collective community.”

“It’s kind of magic what comes out the end of my pen when I’m journaling like this.”

“I’m amazed at what I discovered in such a short time with just the right questions!”

“I’ve had so many journals sit empty. I never felt I had the words. But then Tanis works some magic when she brings women together. She creates freedom and liberty when she gives you journal prompts and asks you to write. It is beautiful and powerful and super fun.
Tanis is a person who can really see you. And yet, the comfort she creates, the welcome openness that invites participation but doesn’t force it. The questions and exercises she comes up with are such invitations to be curious-and you get some powerful insight or clarity. Tanis has taught me to listen to myself.
I’ve learned so much about myself, in ways I’ve never been able to, and am surprised at how easy it is.”
A few words from those who have Journal PLAYed with Tanis...


Questions? Send me a message at [email protected]